Custom Built Pipe Organs

Opus 29

New Brunswick, NJ The United Mthodist Church ā€“ New Brunswick, New Jersey

An extensive renovation has been done to this 1896 GEORGE JARDINE & SON 2/23 ranks. Work included cleaning, repairing, and restoration of the pipework. Reconstruction of the previously altered original double-rise bellows was also performed along with the renovation of the console, pedalboard, and related couplers.

Great Swell Pedal
16 Double Open Diapason 16 Bourdon Bass 16 Double Open Diapason
8 Open Diapason 16 Bourdon Treble 16 Bourdon
8 Melodia 8 Open Diapason 8 Cello
8 Dulciana 8 Stopped Diapason
8 Viola Dā€™ Gamba 8 Salicional
4 Principal 8 Aeoline (tuned Celeste)
4 Flute Traverso 4 Violina
3 Quint 4 Harmonic Flute
2 Fifteenth 2 Flautino (former Rohrflute)
8 Trumpet III Cornet
8 Bassoon
8 Oboe